Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Celestina - Day Three

Chapter 7: 
In the chapter the emphasis is coming from Celestina. I think Celestina emphasis so much on the gap between age and youth because she feels like she’s been around long enough to know everything there is to know and when you’re young you’re still learning like you’re going through the learner phase of life and so your knowledge of everything around you isn’t fully developed. I think there is a parallel between age and wisdom, the younger you are the less wisdom you retain, but when you’re older you’ve dealt with some of the tricks of life and you know more so you feel you hold more knowledge than someone who is younger than you. Celestina always uses her age to her advantage especially when people doubt her because when she tries to prove herself or make a point she always says she’s been around longer and how she’s been doing her job for years that by now she is a master at her trade and she makes it seems as though because she is older she could never be wrong.

Chapter 8:
When Sempronio’s says: “not everything is white that isn’t black and not everything yellow and shiny is gold.”  Sempronio is saying that we can’t hold everything at face value. Not everything is what it’s meant to be. It’s like we can’t always expect everything to be what it is because that’s not always the case. One thing that I think about when I read this quote is what my mother and my grandfather would always say to me “Everything that glitters isn’t gold because shit glitters in the sun when flies are laying on it” and they would say this meaning that everything holds two meaning. Not everything is going to be painted out perfectly and clear for you. 

Chapter 9:  
“Out of goodwill or under pressure from us, Celestina will at least give us a piece of whatever she gets.” They are trusting her because first she Sempronio’s mother and then she was apart and helped raise Pármeno so it seems that they are banking on that motherly tie they have with her. It’s this idea that your family /flesh and blood would never betray you or at least you think and hope that that’s the last person who would trick or betray you.  I think that’s what they are going off of not realizing that sometimes it’s your family that will betray you as if they were a stranger and sometimes you have to keep a closer watch on your family than a stranger.

Chapter 10:
Melibea is conflicted because she desires to be with Calisto, but she must worry about her reputation and her family name. Calisto isn’t a man that her family approved of for her she doesn’t want to make her family look bad or bring them any slander by marrying or wanting to be with someone who isn’t of their standards or their kind. One example that I can think of is Twilight because the idea of being with someone who isn’t like you goes against everything you were taught and know, but then again it’s what also draws you closer to that person and desire them more.

Chapter 11:
Calisto is more so the slave of Celestina because she is pulling all of the strings. Everything that is done between Calisto and Melibea is done on the term of Celestina. But in his eyes he is at the fate of Melibea, but Celestina is the middle man in their “relationship”.

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