Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Decameron (Day Two / 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 3.1)

  1.   Story 2.5: Andreuccio learns how to play their game in Sicily: “You’ve got to know; but if this is what it is like to be related in Sicily—that you forget your ties so quickly—then at least give me back the clothes I left up there, and in God’s name I’ll gladly be off!” (Boccaccio 107).   When he is robbed by his ‘sister’ Madam Fiordaliso he soon finds that he is left on the streets with nothing. There is this reoccurring theme of abandonment in the text first with his abandoned ‘sister’, then when his ‘sister’ takes his money and clothes and abandons him, and finally when he goes with the two guys to rob the pope of his goods and jewels he was buried with. This attributes to his education because at the end when he is left behind he doesn’t cry, but he waits and finally when he is out he returns home with twice the amount of money then when he left.  You could say that Andreuccio learns how to play the fool without getting the burnt end of the stick
  2.  Story 2.6: This story questions humanity as a whole. Here in the story you have Madam Beritola who is a noble women revert to these inhuman ways of life. In the story Madam Beritola when she is left on the island has survival instincts and it seems that it comes natural to her. When she breast feeds and takes in the two roebuck’s it’s kind of like Boccaccio is saying that there really is no division or separation between being human and being inhuman: “And as the milk from her own breast. They did not refuse her kindness, and so she suckled them just as their own mother might have done, and from that moment on they made no distinction between her and their mother” (Boccaccio 115). Boccaccio tries to show how there is no distinction between humanity and inhumanity. Humanity influence the story because when Currado finds Madam Beritola she is referred to as “Cavriuola” (doe), even after they put her in nice clothing which is like saying how clothing, formal language, and proper conducts can’t change the inner ‘beast’ within someone  and almost how everyone has a ‘wild-women’ or ‘wild-man’ within them.    

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