1. We see Enide emerging just after she is married to Erec. When Erec received Enide and she was named by her proper name which was given to her at her baptism that is the first time we learn her name. In the first half of the text Enide seems more reserved and quiet, almost this unrealistic character because we don’t have much information about her, but the fact that she is poor and beautiful. Enide name was enclosed so all the reader knew her by is “the maiden “or when someone is referring to her beauty. In the second half Enide seems to emerge, and there is this sense of who she really is, and her thoughts. Enide really seems to emerge after her and Erec have sex: “the love between the two of them made the maiden more bold: she was not afraid of anything; she endured all whatever the cost. Before she arose again, she had lost the name of maiden; in the morning she was a new lady” (Chrétien63). After this Enide becomes this new outspoken women who is no longer a maiden, but she is Enide. We get to see this transformation with her character, and this is all coming from the love that Erec showed her.
3. Erec intention for taking Enide with him seems to be his way of trying to prove himself by flaunting his manhood, and knighthood. It’s also a chance for Erec to show Enide and to prove to others that he is no coward and he still has his skill and is the best knight in the land. For Erec it seems to be a journey for his ego, reputation, and renewal of his name and deeds. When he travels it seems that he tries to do things and help people who will give him homage. He tries to do things that will make him seem heroic when tales are told about it. On page 92 when he saves Cadoc from the two giants he says I want nothing of you, but for you to go to King Arthur and say that he sent them and then he kind of adds on and tells them don’t be afraid or hold the tale of how I saved you from two giants. Erec seems to be trying to show everyone that no matter what he still has his skills and he is no coward, but it seems that he’s so over board with it that he is willing to die just to prove that he is a knight till the end.
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