3.Buñuel uses two actresses to play the part of Conchita to show how dynamic Conchita is. When we are first introduced to Conchita she is very timid and inexperienced always pushing Matthieu away. When Matthieu touches Conchita in their first encounter Conchita rejects him. Conchita actions were very uneasy, and she was uncomfortable with his passes towards her. Then when the second actresses enters she is more open towards Matthieu passes, and she is very comfortable with herself and her sexuality. When she is in the room with Matthieu she makes passes at him to, and when she is dancing nude at the club she is comfortable with all the men watching her. The other actresses would be shy and she probably wouldn’t have even taken her clothes off in front of all those men. Buñuel uses two actresses to show the various sides that Conchita has and to show how complex Conchita is.
7. The final moment of the film is like the climax. The sewing of the white cloth with the blood on it indicated that Conchita might have had sex with Matthieu, the music helps to make it more dramatic, and the explosion right after Conchita and Matthieu argue leads to end, like the final straw of their relationship. Matthieu is so enticed by the white cloth and the lady sewing that he zones out forgetting Conchita is there. I thought about that idea of retaining the pure imagine. The sewing up the cloth and trying to get it back white like it has never been touched. It was like when Celestina would show up the heads of girls who were longer virgins so that they could keep that pure image. Matthieu was enticed by that pureness of Conchita, but when he has sex with her there is no longer a desire, or chase it’s like he begins to lose interest like Calisto did.